Elder Care & Senior Assistance
KERRKIND, the Kerr County Inter-agency Directory, is a listing of important support, emergency, resource, and hand up agencies, non-profits and organizations serving the Kerr County and surrounding areas communities.
Emergency & Crisis
Local Non-Emergency Other Emergency Services Children & Youth Christian Missionary Work Clothing Counseling & Guidance Drug Prevention (Substance Use/Prevention) Education & Training Eldercare & Senior Assistance Employment Assistance Family Services Financial Assistance Food Assistance & Gardening Foundations Health & Medical Assistance Housing Assistance Legal Assistance & Investigation Service Mental & Behavioral Health Referral & Coordination of Services & Government Liaison Transportation Utilities & Other Financial Assistance Veterans’ Assistance |
To provide temporary assistance and services for seniors and the disabled. Eligibility: Persons 60 and older with a disability can use services for rent, utility assistance, homemaker services, respite, health & wellness, & emergency response, etc. Basis for services depends on time to be utilized. This is temporary assistance but can be longer depending on the funds and case-by-case needs. ADDRESS: 2700 NE Loop 410, Ste. 101, San Antonio, TX 78217 HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm PHONE: 1-866-231-4922 CONTACT: Emily Ortiz, AACOG Outreach Specialist - [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected] FAX: 210-225-5937 WEBSITE: www.alamoaging.org For all general outreach and resource events, please feel free to contact Emily via email at [email protected] or call (210) 884-2376. AACOG/ASC/ADRC (ASSISTANCE FOR AGING, DISABLED & VETERANS) To provide information, referral and assistance to seniors, people with disabilities, veterans / spouses and families by exploring options for handling problems related to aging and disability and recommend resources and strategies for problem resolution. The Alamo Service Connection has an extensive vetted database to refer callers to government agencies, nonprofits, and other service providers. Eligibility: Persons aged 60, people with disabilities, veterans/spouses and families. ADDRESS: 2700 NE Loop 410, Ste. 101, San Antonio, TX 78217 HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm PHONE: 1-210-362-5203 CONTACT: Emily Ortiz, [email protected] FACEBOOK: @AACOG FAX: 866-231-3252 WEBSISTE: www.aacog.com TWITTER: @AlamoAreacog For all general outreach and resource events, please feel free to contact Emily via email at [email protected] or call (210) 884-2376. DIETERT CENTER To proactively support healthy aging by providing information, services, activities, and rewarding volunteer opportunities that enhance the quality of life. No monies or transportation are provided. Eligibility: No age restriction to participate in Dietert Center’s programs or services. Individuals must be 18 or older to go on any Center-sponsored trips. To eat by donation in the dining room or receive Meals On Wheels, individuals must be 60 or older, complete required paperwork and meet certain criteria. 451 Guadalupe Street, Kerrville, TX 78028 Meals on Wheels 830-896-8117 HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.; Weekends & evenings according to Club Ed class schedules PHONE: 830-792-4044 CONTACT: Brenda Thompson, Executive OTHER SERVICES: Medical equipment lending program, handyman program, call reassurance, dementia care advocates, Take Five Club (Contact: Nick Villanueva) Emergency Response System-personal alerting (Contact: Rick Phipps) Club Ed (Contact: Waverly Jones) EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.dietertcenter.org DOYLE SCHOOL COMMUNITY CENTER To provide free transportation services, counseling for mental health, health care navigation to connect citizens with health care solutions, and nutrition-centered events to support in distribution of weekly Food Pantry. Doyle also offers citizenship classes and ESL classes. Clients must live in the Doyle Community District to receive the services listed above. Free Transportation Services (by appointment) provides access to doctor appointments, groceries and other necessities. Counseling (by appointment) provides support for mental health wellness. Health Care Navigation connects citizens with health care solutions. Nutrition-Centered Events include food distribution via the weekly Food Pantry. ADDRESS: 110 W. Barnett Street, Kerrville, TX 78028 HOURS: M-F 8:30 am – 5:30 pm, some classes offered after hours, Saturdays and weekend times vary depending on need CONTACTS: MAIN LINE 830-257-4446 or [email protected] Kate Allen – Program Director 830-257-4446 or [email protected] WEBSITE: www.doylecc.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/DoyleCommunityKerrville INSTAGRAM: @doylecenterkerrville KERR KONNECT TRANSPORTATION To enable those with limited transportation to access needed medical and other life enhancing services in order to remain active, healthy, and connected to the community. We provide door-to-door transport by volunteer drivers to grocery and other community services within a ten-mile radius of the Kerr County Courthouse. We are unable to accommodate wheelchairs at this time. Eligibility: Client must be ambulatory and over 18 years of age. Client must be a member ($20) to be able to schedule rides. Vouchers may be available in some cases. Client may schedule up to three rides per week—$2 one way and $4 round trip. 610 D Methodist Encampment Road (Light on the Hill @ Mt. Wesley) HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 5:00 pm PHONE: 830-315-5377 CONTACT: Office Volunteers EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.kerrkonnect.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/KerrKonnect SAN ANTONIO LIGHTHOUSE FOR THE BLIND AND VISION IMPAIRED To provide virtual and in-home services to people with vision loss. These services include independent Living Skills Training, counseling, Orientation and Mobility Training, and pre-diabetes and diabetic education. These services not only restore confidence & self-worth but enhance the quality of life & allow participants to reach their maximum potential. The monthly Low Vision Club meets the second Tuesday of each month at the Dietert Center from 10:00 am – 11:30 am. Service area includes Bexar and surrounding counties. Hablamos Español. Eligibility: Persons over 23 & up with visual impairment; Services are ongoing as needed. 2305 Roosevelt San Antonio, Texas 78210 HOURS: Monday – Friday 7:30 am – 4:15 pm PHONE: 210-381-8332 (cell) or 210-533-5195 Ext. #2811 FAX: 210-533-5194 CONTACT: Shirlee Crandall, Independent Living Skills Trainer EMAIL: [email protected] FACEBOOK: San Antonio Lighthouse for the Blind (main page) San Antonio Lighthouse Adults and Seniors Programs (group) YOU TUBE: San Antonio Lighthouse for the Blind SENIOR PATH SPECIALISTS To provide information, options, and placement services for elder care. Clients should call for assistance. Eligibility: Elderly or disabled Hill Country and San Antonio HOURS: Anytime PHONE: 830-285-5238 CONTACT: Arlie Lammers EMAIL: [email protected] SILVER SAGE COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER To provide Meals on Wheels in Bandera County, daily (Monday-Friday) congregate lunch, food bank distribution, food pantry, service coordination for referrals to community partners, veteran service coordination, and benefit enrollment center. Meals on Wheels provided for those homebound 60+ years of age. All others are served based on assessment and as needed basis. ADDRESS: 803 Buck Creek Drive, Bandera, TX 78003 HOURS: Monday- Thursday (8AM-3PM), Friday (8AM-2PM) PHONE: Main (830) 796-4969 CONTACT: Jillian Bartow, Social Service Coordination, 830-850-0038, [email protected] WEBSITE: https://silversage.org/ |