Family Services
KERRKIND, the Kerr County Inter-agency Directory, is a listing of important support, emergency, resource, and hand up agencies, non-profits and organizations serving the Kerr County and surrounding areas communities.
Emergency & Crisis
Local Non-Emergency Other Emergency Services Children & Youth Christian Missionary Work Clothing Counseling & Guidance Drug Prevention (Substance Use/Prevention) Education & Training Eldercare & Senior Assistance Employment Assistance Family Services Financial Assistance Food Assistance & Gardening Foundations Health & Medical Assistance Housing Assistance Legal Assistance & Investigation Service Mental & Behavioral Health Referral & Coordination of Services & Government Liaison Transportation Utilities & Other Financial Assistance Veterans’ Assistance |
To provide youth transitioning out of foster care, and other at-risk youth and young adults (ages 13-25), case management, training, and mentoring. To provide parenting classes and support groups to families of children ages 3-17. To provide training and assistance with finding and maintaining employment. To provide affordable housing with transitional living support. We also provide a computer lab with internet access. All services are free. Ages Served: 13-25 ADDRESS: 1127 East Main, Suite 106, Kerrville, TX 78028 HOURS: Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. PHONE: 830-896-0993; 210-480-5894 (cell) FAX: 210-208-5259 or 830-428-3508 CONTACT: Waverly Jones, Director EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: CHRISTUS Children's WIC (Women, Infants & Children) To provide qualifying pregnant and postpartum women, infants and children with food assistance, nutritional education and breastfeeding support. Eligibility: To qualify for WIC, the application must meet categorical, residential, income and nutrition risk; if an applicant receives Medicaid or SNAP, they automatically qualify for WIC; must be pregnant or postpartum mother, infant or a child up to the age of 5. ADDRESS: 826 Sidney Baker Street, Suite 838F, Kerrville, TX 78028 (In the Sidney Baker Plaza) HOURS: 1st, 3rd, & 5th Tuesday of the month 7:30 am – 12:00 pm and 12:30 pm - 6:00 pm; Every Wednesday 7:30 am – 12:00 pm and 12:30 pm - 6:00 pm PHONE: 830-257-4400 (call or text) CONTACT: Adela Garcia or Amy Carrillo WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: Hill Country WIC COMMUNITY RESOURCE COORDINATION GROUPS To provide through county-based groups of local partners and community members interagency coordination to parents, caregivers, children, youth, and adults with complex needs to identify and coordinate services and supports. These groups help people whose needs cannot be met by on single agency and would benefit from interagency coordination. These groups strive to meet the person’s and family’s needs with community-based solutions whenever possible. People are referred to CRCGs by a local agency or organization, family or peer representatives, or through their own request. CRCGs partner with people and families to discuss their unique needs, strengths, previous services, and barriers. Ideas are brainstormed for appropriate services and supports, and individualized service plans are created to locate services and supports. Counties served are Bandera, Gillespie, Kendall, Kerr, and Medina. ADDRESS: 3499 Legion Drive, Kerrville, Texas 78028 PHONE: 830-928-3308 CONTACT: Carla Schuster, Chair EMAIL: [email protected] COR LIFE To provide counseling and educational programs through the use of HORSES to both individuals and groups. Our organization specializes in addiction recovery and prevention with an emphasis on the impact of trauma, the neuroscience of human/horse brain development and the role relationship plays in the recovery and healing of individuals. We empower the broken hearted with choices that will put them on the courageous path of rebuilding their lives and living and loving from a place of wholeheartedness. It is our belief that we are all hardwired for connection, and it is only through presenting our authentic, imperfect selves to the world that we are able to come truly alive, genuinely connect and then go on to live from a place of purpose. Eligibility: High school age and higher; the client(s) will be seen as often as deemed appropriate. ADDRESS: 673 Town Creek, Kerrville, TX 78028 HOURS: Tuesday-Thursday by appointment; Weekend group educational programs or family counseling PHONE: 281-731-3416 CONTACT: Malinda Simmons EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: [email protected] HILL COUNTRY COMMUNITY RESOURCE COORDINATION To provide referral information to children, youth, families, and adults in need in Kerr, Kendall, Bandera, Medina & Gillespie counties as a resource coordination group. CRCG serves any person needing resource/referral information in the counties listed above. CRCG works with ISD’s, MHMR and other private organizations to serve people who still have unmet needs from service providers or for those that “fall through the cracks” of other agencies. Eligibility: Any person needing resource/referral information in served counties BCFS (location for meetings on 2nd Tuesdays of each month at 1:30 pm), Second Floor Conference Room ADDRESS: 1105 E. Main, Kerrville, TX 78028 HOURS: Monthly meetings as needed PHONE: 830-992-3177 FAX: 830-992-3178 CONTACT: Gayle Long EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: HILL COUNTRY CRISIS COUNCIL, INC.—FAMILY—KIDS’ ADVOCACY PLACE To provide safe-house for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, information and referral to other agencies, crisis intervention for clients, and assistance with legal advocacy issues. Services include trauma-focused counseling. Eligibility: Domestic violence & sexual assault victims ADDRESS: P.O. Box 291817, Kerrville, TX 78028 (Location not published) PHONE: 830-257-7088 ext. 124 OR 1-888-621-0047 (toll free) CONTACT: Kim Olden EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: HILL COUNTRY MHDD – KERR MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC To provide mental health services delivered through a Disease Management Model: Treatment of major depression, bipolar and/or schizophrenia disorders that focuses on an individual’s outcomes, selected services, tools, and strengths in order for them to recover. Outpatient drug and alcohol counseling is offered. ADDRESS: 955 Water Street, Kerrville, TX 78028 PHONE: 830-257-6553 OR 1-888-445-5232 (toll free) FAX: 830-896-4448 CONTACT: Shannon Gray, Clinic Director WEBSITE: CRISIS LINE: 877-466-0660 INTELLECTUAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY SERVICES – HILL COUNTRY MHDD Hill Country MHDD Center is a Local Intellectual and Developmental Disability Authority (LIDDA). LIDDA services include coordinating & monitoring on-going services, Home & Community-Based Services (HCS) & Texas Home Living Interest Lists, helping students transition from school services to community-based services, and aiding families who are seeking residential services for children & adults. The Service Coordination team coordinates & manages the vast array of services for people diagnosed with intellectual & developmental disabilities. Provider Services support individuals with intellectual & developmental disabilities to achieve an interdependent life & live to their fullest potential by providing individualized specialized services. PHONE: 830-387-5970 (IDD Referral Line for new services) 830-258-5400 (Service Coordination Line) 830-896-4606 (Special Opportunity Center) KERRVILLE CITIZEN POLICE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION To provide Christmas help and family assistance with monetary or product needs through the Blue Santa 365 Program. The Blue Santa 365 program allows Kerrville Police officers, at their discretion, to submit help needed for children, adults, and families in need. An officer has to refer them to the committee and can include assistance needed for food, minor repairs home and auto, after a catastrophe assistance with minor items, children in need of clothing or shoes. No questions asked, just an officer has to submit to us. Eligibility: Individuals or Families in Need Kerrville, Texas HOURS: Available 24/7 CONTACT: Rose Bradshaw, Board Member Committee Chair-Cares PHONE: 830-377-8948 (Rose’s cell) FAX: 830-792-3282 EMAIL: [email protected] FACEBOOK: KCPAAA (Kerrville Citizen Police Alumni Association) K’STAR YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES K’STAR, Inc. Counseling Center—Haley Salazar, Program Director. 830-896-5404 To provide free youth & family counseling in 14 Hill Country Counties. Individual counseling sessions, family counseling, & parenting classes are offered. An emergency shelter for children is available. K’Star does not assist with monthly financial needs. No professional services or diagnoses are provided. Ages served: Youth birth to 17 & 19 if still registered in high school & families; a child who has been adjudicated or is on probation is disqualified from the program. Counselors set the schedule based on the client’s needs. ADDRESS: 1016 E. Main Street (Main Office)—Counseling; PO Box 290962, Kerrville, TX 78029; 216 Market Avenue (Bandera office); Satellite offices: Bandera, Burnet, Blanco, Edwards, Gillespie, Kendall, Kimble, Llano, Mason, Medina, Menard, Real & Uvalde counties HOURS: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday - Friday (Administrative office); Hours vary to accommodate client needs PHONE: 830-896-5437 (Melody) or 830-896-5404 (Chris) FAX: 830-895-0670 CONTACT: Melody Lowman or Chris King EMAIL: [email protected] [email protected] WEBSITE: EMERGENCY YOUTH SHELTER: 830-896-7293 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE To provide a program that honors, hosts, recognizes, and entertains wounded warrior families. Our goal is to provide support for the American Military while they are undergoing treatment and rehabilitation and then to further assist them when they transition either back to duty or back to civilian life. Operation Second Chance provides the Annual Kerr County Wounded Warrior Family Hill Country Adventure. Eight wounded warrior families are hosted for a week in Kerrville/Kerr County. Eligibility: Combat wounded warriors (Purple Heart Award) and honorable discharge with priority to wounded warriors with families Kerrville & Kerr County, various locations DAYS OF SERVICE: June 19-24, 2018 PHONE: 830-257-4123 (Doug) or 830-496-1574 (Tony) CONTACT: Doug Whinnery, Co-Chair THE PREGNANCY RESOURCE CENTER Medical: Pregnancy testing, limited OB sonograms, STI testing & treatment, Abortion Pill Reversal, Options Counseling Family Support: Earn while you learn program provides Baby Bucks for attending educational and spiritual classes to purchase new items such as cribs, car seats, strollers, formula, diapers, gas vouchers, and more. Education: Includes parenting classes, life skills classes, fatherhood classes, Child Protective Service (CPS) classes, post-abortive support classes, and spiritual services. PRC does not provide rental assistance, lodging, or utilities assistance. Eligibility: All services are free, confidential, no income requirements, no insurance required. Medical: STI services limited to once every six months. Earn While You Learn: Must be a parent or legal guardian of a minor child or pregnant ADDRESS: 718 Alpine Drive, Suite A, Kerrville, TX 78028 HOURS: Mon. – Thurs. 9:30 am–5:00 pm, 3rd Saturday 9:30 am-5:00 pm PHONE: 830-315-4541 CONTACT: Jamie Schwab, Executive Director EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: |